Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A new day

Well, here I am entering the world of blogging.....late, as usual.  Trying to figure all this out and telling myself I really need to be going on my morning walk.  It will be too hot if I wait too much longer.  This blogging stuff can be addicting, frustrating and very interesting.  More to come later....hopefully after my walk.


  1. I'm your first commenter! Yay, me! By the way, I love your jewelry. I don't think I ever mentioned that on Facebook.

  2. I think I sent you two comments. Did you get them? I'm so confused.

  3. Duhhhh....I don't know how this works...obviously. lol

  4. I don't think I got them, but Blogger changed their commenting system a couple of years ago and I often hear that people left comments that I didn't get. I like to think I have thousands of comments out there from adoring fans. :)
